Friday, May 10, 2013

Detoxing (a necessary part of balancing one's life)

Relevant KASB capacities:
  • Attitude
    • Work ethic that allows one to accomplish goals while maintaing personal health and wellness
  • Intrapersonal Skills
    • Display choices and behaviors to maintain a healthy way of life


Work hard, play harder would be an ideal mantra to live by. My current motto is work hard, work harder. I tell people my social life has significantly declined this year. Although true, I do plan for social events every once in a while. One piece of advice I grabbed from an older professional was that in order to balance your life, you have to treat your personal life as a schedule, too. If you want "me" time, block it out in your planner. If you want to work out, do not schedule a meeting during that time. I'm getting better at allotting my time and priorities BUT I'm still not the best at it.

If I could, I would love to run or rock climb every day. As a past competitive runner, being a runner is a part of who I am. I feel a little incomplete without it.

I got into climbing about last year. I went for my first round and I absolutely loved it. That was in Fall 2011. Fastforward 3 years and here I am, your avid rock climber! Over time I have purchased my own shoes, chalk, and even harness. When I went home for the summer last year, I found a gym nearby and climbed almost 4 times a week. Point is, I love it and I don't plan on stopping.

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